-Supervised Agricultural Experience-
As part of their agriculture education program, all students must complete an SAE project. Outside of class, the student designs and implements an agriculture-related project.
This includes, but is not limited to, raising livestock, growing or selling greenhouse plants, landscaping for parents or neighbors, or working at an agriculture-related business (i.e. feedstore, vet office, etc.). In the AET Record Book, the student will keep track of his or her hours of labor, income, and expenses.
Foundational SAEs involve time spent exploring agricultural experience. You will learn through engaging in new skills or experiences.
Time (and money, if applicable) is invested in a project that attempts to answer a research question while focusing on applying the scientific method.
Placement SAEs require time spent on a job-like learning experience focused on gaining valuable skills in the agriculture industry.
Entrepreneurship SAEs involve an investment of time and money in one's agriculture-related operation to develop a profitable project.
Members who excel in their SAE projects are recognized for their accomplishments and hard work. Over time, these members have grown as individuals and expanded their projects.
Proficiency Awards honor members who have had great success in their SAE projects and have developed specialized skills they can use in their future careers. Project Competition is a sectional event in which members present their projects to be judged, and are then scored based on their knowledge of the topic and skill set.